
Anyone who has known me, for any amount of time, knows that I have always surrounded myself with technology. I've had a fascination of technology, and how it worked, for as long as I can remember. This has manifested in many ways including enjoying video games, building computers, developing web applications, and more.


In 2013 I started my college career at the University Of Southern Maine.


In 2016 I designed, developed and published my first professional website for Precision Collision & Repair. As I was just starting to learn about web development this website was created using HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, and Bootstrap.



In 2016 I also was part of a lab known as the Ci2 lab, at the University Of Southern Maine. During my time working in the lab I built many video games using Unity, a C# based game engine, and met many extremely talented artists, musicians, developers and more.


Software Development Intern

In 2017 I joined Tyler Technologies as a Software Development Intern. During that first year, I designed and developed multiple web applications that helped to improve the daily workload of Tyler's Hosting Services team.



In 2018 I graduated from the University Of Southern Maine with a Bachelors Degree in Computer Science.


DevOps Engineer

In 2018 I was officially hired and transitioned into my next role as a DevOps Engineer. This position still mainly focused on web development in C# and ASP.NET but now included expanding my knowledge of other commonly used frameworks and technologies. During my years as a DevOps Engineer I spent my time focused on learning and growing my knowledge of front-end technologies and became the primary developer for all user experience related development. I designed, developed, and supported multiple production level applications, while also building the backend-infrastructure that made them possible. I designed relational database structures, the corresponding API layers needed, and then integrated the full stack of technology to produce the end product.

C#CSHTML.NET COREjQueryRabbitMqGraphQLKubernetesElastic SearchMSSQLEntity FrameworkBootstrapAzure DevOpsSignalR


Senior DevOps Engineer

In 2021, after 3 years as a DevOps Engineer, I was promoted to Senior DevOps Engineer. This was a goal I started working towards in 2019 and was able to achieve by taking on extra responsibilities such as:

  • Presenting any and all progress from each 2 week sprint to stakeholders and other interested parties.
  • Leading development and planning on multiple major applications.
  • Helping to guide newer members on our team through any problems or challenges that came up.

Since being promoted, the majority of my day to day has continued to be full-stack development with a focus on solving user stories with dynamic user experiences.

C#CSHTML.NET 6.0jQueryRabbitMqGraphQLKubernetesPostgreSQLBootstrapAWSTerraformSCSS Azure DevOpsSignalR


Current Personal Progression

In 2022, I have continued expanding my knowledge of full-stack technology and have become enthralled with web development in React and subsequently Next.JS. The transition from imperative development with jQuery to declarative development with React was a welcome one. I found that in my professional development, a lot of the most valuable functionality was trying to mimic the component structure and state management that react provides. I now have begun to develop all personal web applications in react and Next.JS and plan to for the foreseeable future.



Senior Software Engineer

In June 2022, after 5 years at Tyler Technologies I have decided to transition to a Senior Software Engineer position at Blue Rabbit Veterinary. I am extremely excited about this opportunity, and I look forward to building an amazing product that will enable Veterinary clinics and the Pharmacies that support them, while expanding my professional tech stack.

ReactNodeTypeScriptApollo GraphQLTailwindCSSPostgreSQL


Tech Lead

In October 2022, after 5 months at Blue Rabbit Veterinary I have moved into the role of Tech Lead. It had been my goal from the beginning of joining Blue Rabbit to lead the development of our Practice Portal and I am very excited to continue on that journey! We have a great team and I can't wait to see what next year holds regarding the exciting features and products we can provide veterinarians all over the US.

ReactNodeTypeScriptApollo GraphQLTailwindCSSPostgreSQLMongoDBKafkaAWS